
SCPI Command :

class SetupCls[source]

Setup commands group definition. 2 total commands, 1 Subgroups, 1 group commands

class SetupStruct[source]

Structure for setting input parameters. Contains optional setting parameters. Fields:

  • Segment_Length: int: Number of subframes in the segment

  • Level: float: Expected nominal power in the segment. The range can be calculated as follows: Range (Expected Nominal Power) = Range (Input Power) + External Attenuation - User Margin The input power range is stated in the specifications document.

  • Duplex_Mode: enums.DuplexModeB: Duplex mode used in the segment

  • Band: enums.Band: TDD UL: OB34 | OB38 | … | OB41 | OB46 | OB47 | OB48 | OB50 | OB51 | OB53 | OB77 | … | OB84 | OB86 | OB89 | OB90 | OB95 | … | OB99 | OB101 | OB104 Operating band used in the segment

  • Retrigger_Flag: enums.RetriggerFlag: Specifies whether the measurement waits for a trigger event before measuring the segment, or not. The retrigger flag is ignored for trigger mode ONCE and evaluated for trigger mode SEGMent, see [CMDLINKRESOLVED Trigger.NrSubMeas.ListPy#Mode CMDLINKRESOLVED].
    • OFF: Measure the segment without retrigger. For the first segment, the value OFF is interpreted as ON.

    • ON: Wait for a trigger event from the trigger source configured via TRIGger:NRSub:MEASi:MEValuation:SOURce.

    • IFPower: Wait for a trigger event from the trigger source IF Power.The trigger evaluation bandwidth is 160 MHz.

    • IFPNarrowband: Wait for a trigger event from the trigger source IF Power.The trigger evaluation bandwidth is configured via TRIGger:NRSub:MEASi:LIST:NBANdwidth.

  • Evaluat_Offset: int: Number of subframes at the beginning of the segment that are not evaluated

  • Network_Sig_Val: enums.NetworkSigVal: Optional setting parameter. Network signaled value to be used for the segment

get(sEGMent=SEGMent.Default) SetupStruct[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:NRSub:MEASurement<Instance>:LIST:SEGMent<no>:SETup
value: SetupStruct = driver.configure.nrSubMeas.listPy.segment.setup.get(sEGMent = repcap.SEGMent.Default)

Defines the length and analyzer settings of segment <no>. For carrier-specific settings, there are additional commands. This command and the other segment configuration commands must be sent for all segments to be measured (method RsCMPX_NrFr1Meas.Configure.NrSubMeas.MultiEval.ListPy.Lrange.set) .

param sEGMent:

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Segment’)


structure: for return value, see the help for SetupStruct structure arguments.

set(structure: SetupStruct, sEGMent=SEGMent.Default) None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:NRSub:MEASurement<Instance>:LIST:SEGMent<no>:SETup
structure = driver.configure.nrSubMeas.listPy.segment.setup.SetupStruct()
structure.Segment_Length: int = 1
structure.Level: float = 1.0
structure.Duplex_Mode: enums.DuplexModeB = enums.DuplexModeB.FDD
structure.Band: enums.Band = enums.Band.OB1
structure.Retrigger_Flag: enums.RetriggerFlag = enums.RetriggerFlag.IFPNarrowband
structure.Evaluat_Offset: int = 1
structure.Network_Sig_Val: enums.NetworkSigVal = enums.NetworkSigVal.NS01
driver.configure.nrSubMeas.listPy.segment.setup.set(structure, sEGMent = repcap.SEGMent.Default)

Defines the length and analyzer settings of segment <no>. For carrier-specific settings, there are additional commands. This command and the other segment configuration commands must be sent for all segments to be measured (method RsCMPX_NrFr1Meas.Configure.NrSubMeas.MultiEval.ListPy.Lrange.set) .

param structure:

for set value, see the help for SetupStruct structure arguments.

param sEGMent:

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Segment’)

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.configure.nrSubMeas.listPy.segment.setup.clone()
